Seeking Employment
Seeking Employment
Everyone in Australia has the right to work and earn an income. That income helps you to enjoy the benefits of a free and equal society. Australia has a wide range of successful industries that operate across all states and territories. There is a wide range of professional and industry qualifications that can help you find and keep a job. We all expect each other to contribute to and share in Australia's wealth.
Finding a job
The Australian labour market can be very competitive. How quickly you can find a job in Australia depends on economic factors, qualifications and skills, the type of work you are seeking, and particular circumstances which may affect the availability of certain types of work in different parts of the country. Australian work experience is invaluable and should be a priority if you are struggling to find work in your desired field.
Applying forĀ job
Your success in gaining employment depends on a number of factors. The factors include: where you plan to work, economic conditions, your skills, your qualifications and the demand for employees.
NSW Government have developed step by step employment guides to support you from start to finish on your journey to seek employment. These guides can be useful tools to help you utilise previous experience and knowledge, that can be applied to your current circumstances. For more practical support, organisations such as Sydney Multicultural Community Serviceswill work alongside with you to review your resume, assist with your job search and application process, and ensure you are prepared for interviews.
Workforce Australia is a place where Australians can search and apply for jobs or find more information on their pathway to employment.